No matter how much care you take during development of any software, security issues creep in. Hence, it is important to get the code reviewed for security loopholes. Code is the only advantage for organizations over the hackers and they need to utilise this fact in a planned way. Relying only on penetration testing is definitely not a good idea. When you have the code, use the code! So How to Identify Vulnerabilities in code ? Let’s learn!
Most organisations today rely on commercial tools such as IBM Appscan, HP Fortify etc. for code reviews. These tools scan the entire code and locate potential issues by looking for use of certain APIs and functions within the code. The security reviewer then needs to manually verify these issues and confirm the findings. This approach definitely saves time if you can afford the license cost. It also involves the risk of not identifying all the potential issues (as is the case with any tool). Without the help of a tool, the reviewer has to understand pages/locations of interest and verify the code. In any case, reviewing the code and identifying the issue has to be done manually. In this article, we will focus on how a security professional can identify some of the most common vulnerabilities within an application. Below are the common steps involved while performing a code review at a high level:
Identify the objectives of review:
Reviews are much effective with objectives in place. Below are some of the questions that help you to understand the objectives of your review:
What is the scope of the review?
What are the technologies used in the application?
What are the vulnerabilities against which the code will be reviewed?
Identifying areas / components of interest:
Identifying important components needs to be done with the help of development team. For example, identifying components that handle authorization, sessions etc. can be done at this stage. Having a proper understanding about what the application is about and what it handles would definitely help the reviewer to connect certain dots while performing the review. Consult the development team to know about applications functionality, features, and architecture and so on. Learn More about how to identify entry points in detail (click here).
Reviewing the code:
Perhaps this is the most important and heavily weighted part compared to the other steps. Automated source code scanners are commonly used for code analysis. They scan the code and present the reviewer with thousands of identified findings that may be valid or false positives. It is now up to reviewer to figure it out by actually reviewing that piece of code. The point is that in spite of using automated tools, it is still essential to perform manual review. For remaining part of the article, we will discuss in detail about how code can be reviewed to identify potential issues.
Reviewing the code for a particular vulnerability boils down to looking for key pointers related to that vulnerability within the code. It entirely depends upon what vulnerability you are looking for. For instance, the approach that is used for reviewing XSS would be very much different from the one used for SQLi. Although it would be desirable to manually review every line of code comprehensively, it is not possible in real world especially with large applications. Hence, it is important to have a perspective about what to find in the code – What am I looking for in this piece of code?
There are two types of techniques to run through the code during code analysis:
Control flow analysis
Data flow analysis
Control Flow Analysis: As part of control flow analysis the reviewer sees through the logical conditions in the code. The reviewer looks at a function and identifies various branch conditions such as loops, if statements, try/catch blocks etc. He will then figure out under what circumstances each branch is executed. While performing the control flow analysis, below are some of the questions (
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