In a perfect world, your web pages would rank on Google’s #1 page for every keyword.
However, in reality, that won’t happen whatsoever unless you’re Wikipedia!
Knowing Google keyword rankings for your blog post articles is awesome, right?
After finding keywords ranking on Google, you can tweak a lot of things such as keyword optimization, content strategies to increase search engine traffic. So, you can ultimately make more money through your online business.
But, how if you can check keyword rankings of your competitors in Google SERPs?
That’s excellent, right?
Yes, if that could be done, you can drastically improve lots of things at once.
What if I say you could actually check keyword rankings for Google search engine pretty easily? In a few seconds?
Yes, you can check site rankings for every keyword very easily.
In this article, I will walk you through how to check Google keyword ranking of any website without struggling.

What is SEO ranking?
If you’re a website owner, you should already know this. However, if you started your blogging career recently here is what SEO ranking is…
After Google (or Googlebot a.k.a web spider for Google search engine) crawled your web pages, Google put the all important data such as page titles, images, and text content into their large database. So, whenever someone like you searches something related contextually to your web page, Google shows your web page at some place on search engine result pages (SERPs). Those ranks are known as SEO rankings. Normally higher SEO ranking means, it gets a higher CTR, so receives more traffic.
The Google rankings purely depended upon more than two hundred factors. In fact, Google’s some articles rank bottom of SERPs. So, there are no tricks here.
However, the thing is, if you’re a webmaster, you should know how to check Google keyword rankings. Because, nowadays a website or a blog isn’t just made for fun, at least for majority people.
You might have made a blog on WordPress, BlogSpot, Tumblr or using any other content management system to make money.
To win the SEO game, you should actively monitor keyword rankings of your own and obviously your competitors’ websites. This isn’t a should, a must if you still regard your blog as a business.
You should probably not know SEO and content marketing strategies your competitors are using if you don’t analyze competitors’ keyword rankings.
But, you may ask,
Chamal why should I care about my website rankings and even why should I find keyword rankings of competitors?
Here’s Why You should check Google keyword rankings…
Google is the dominant of Internet
Unless your target audience is from Chinese speaking countries, you must pay your close attention to Google search engine ranking fluctuations and new updates to the algorithm.
Google Owns whopping 92.48% search share market worldwide as of April 2017 according to StateCounter.

As you know the new trends go with mobile. Here’re how Google dominantly owns95.34% mobile search share market worldwide.

If you drastically want more search traffic to your blog or website, then don’t look anywhere. Google is your best traffic source.
To get full advantage of Google, you’d monitor keyword rankings of Google SERPs.
Find where your website or blog rank on Google search engines
As you know there a few different variations of Google web pages. Some of them are…
- – United States
- – United Kingdom
- – Germany
- – China
- – India
You can find other Google’s country-specific domains from here.
When your blog ranks on Google search engines, you can find rankings of web pages in Google by logging to your Google search console.
However, there is a BIG disadvantage you might face…
Could you guess what it is?
Yes, you can’t find keyword rankings for specific Google country domain on daily basis.
For example, let’s say John has made an event blog especially for people in Brazil. He has set up the site, made content, built backlinks and is looking forward seeing first four figure visitor count to his blog.
He sees traffic are coming to blog continuously as for his tremendous work. However, he wants to know what keywords drive traffic to his blog. He signs into Google search console and checks Google ranking keywords.

But, he couldn’t find the keyword ranking position for an exact date.
If you’re in a situation like John’s and want to know where your website rank on each Google domains accurately, then you should use a good Google rank checker.
Check Keyword Rankings for Blog Posts
If you’re currently using a generic google keyword checker, then you may see you can not check keyword rankings at posts level in most cases. In fact, some Google keyword checking tools fail to demonstrate accurate data.
And if you’re willing to know whether certain web pages such as review articles are actually ranking with rich structured data, you should use a good google keywords monitor. Else you don’t know whether your articles with rich structured data actually perform better in search engine result pages.

Monitor Google keyword ranking fluctuations
Google updates their search engine algorithm to make the search results better. Because Google knows that if they provide crap content for visitors, people will move to other search engines such as Bing.
So, if you’re a set-and-forget blogger who just needs to write content, believe me, that way doesn’t take you to success.
You should always monitor Google keyword rankings. If possible, should be tracking keyword rankings also. That is a plus advantage over other mediocre bloggers. (Will post a step by step guide sooner for this)

Google organic keyword rankings change consistently.
Identify Competitors in Google SERPs
I feel sorry for most bloggers because they really don’t know what they are doing; from whose they are competing…
This is a time where advertisers have to pay $100 per click. Just for click! So, won’t it be advantageous to make a blog targeting those people?
In fact, these days, many companies including SaaS companies make use of content marketing and blogging to drive traffic and acquire more customers.
One SEO strategy you should always use is competitor research (aka reverse engineer or competitive intelligence) and identify keyword difficulties and the likelihood of ranking top of Google SERP.
If you blindly write and post content on your blog, don’t do that. Concentrate on checking google rankings for your target keywords and do your due diligence to identify whether you can profit from that traffic.
Competitor Keyword Analysis
This is a characteristic that separates blogs that make money from ordinary blogs that don’t make any money.
To do competitor keyword analysis, you should know keyword rankings of competitor websites.
Unless your competitors are kind enough to provide you that data, you can’t complete a good competitor keyword analysis.
From that analysis, you can…
- Identify interest for the keyword over time.
- Find keyword rankings.
- Find search volume based on country.
- Find traffic costs and by that get an idea what country converts better for the keyword.
- Find Traffic distribution for each organic ranking positions.
- Find whether keyword rank for any SERP feature such as Instant Answer, Local Pack, and News.
- Know how many authoritative backlinks you should build to rank on the first page of Google.
- Find a lot more open and hidden information based on keyword.
Before I start writing any article, I don’t forget to do a competitor analysis campaign to get answers to above questions and especially how easy it is to rank on Google. Because it is a waste of time to target high competitive keywords such as attorney unless your website is high authoritative.
Find New Opportunities
Using a good SERP keyword checker does not only give you more information about keyword and competition but also provide a space to look for new opportunities.
For example, if you’ve written an article about “A” topic, and it receives traffic from search engines, after checking SEO keyword rankings on SERPs, you can identify new keywords, more long tail keywords with high search volume.
You just want to optimize your web page for those hidden gems of keywords.
Even your articles receive significant traffic from search engines, don’t forget to check organic keyword rankings, because you could find high traffic keywords which are low competitive.
Find Keyword Difficulties
In Google Keyword Planner tool, you can easily find average CPCs for keywords in paid search. However, those number doesn’t reflect much on organic search results.
In SEO rankings, keyword difficulty demonstrates as the sense of the word, the difficulty to rank on the first spot of the first page of Google SERP for a keyword.
So, apart from spending time on analyzing competitors backlinks, you can easily understand the likelihood of ranking top of Google by finding SEO keyword difficulties.
To finding keyword difficulties, you should have a few target keywords of your own or competition. To get those keywords, you should involve in checking SEO keywords.
Find Traffic Distribution per each keyword in Google SERP
Let’s say you’ve found a great competitor website which has a few articles that are relevant to what you’ve published on your site.
After checking Google keyword rankings, you have found some high traffic keywords which your competitor website rank top of SERPs.
As of they are high traffic volume keywords, it receives a lot more traffic.
So, you can definitely write a good article by adding more information and making use of good graphics, videos etc.
After optimizing the article for search engines, your web page might also rank for those keywords and generate more Google traffic to your blog.
Checking competitor keywords’ traffic distribution and using good content strategies are worth rather than writing content without knowing the likelihood of ranking for SEO keywords.
Improve Keyword Rankings In Google
Your website or blog will barely receive traffic if web pages rank bottom of SERPs.
Before start improving Google keyword ranking, you should first check rankings of SEO keywords and monitor them.
It is an excellent way to start increasing keyword rankings in Google.
Now you know ten more reasons to check Google keyword rankings.
You can easily and instantly find keyword rankings of ANY site on Google using online tools. I’ve found a few google keyword rank checker & tracker tools. However, I use only one tool on daily basis to check keyword rankings and track ranking changes.
How to Check SEO Keyword Rankings on Google

SEMrush would probably be the best search engine marketing tool for bloggers, SEOs, content marketers and online marketers alike.
It is a complete SEO tool which provides tons of tools to check keyword rankings, analyze competitors, find new keywords for SEO and track organic keyword rankings.
I have been using SEMRUSH since 2013 and I can surely recommend this tool for you because It helped grow traffic to my websites.
Here’s how to check keyword rankings on Google SERPs using SEMrush.
Step 1: You have to go to SEMrush over here and create your account first. Fill out the form and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Once you’ve created your SEMrush GURU account, go to SEMrush Dashboard over here.
Now you can check keyword rankings from two different ways.
- Check SEO rankings for a particular keyword you know
- Find Google keywords ranking of websites
Here I will discuss these two ways of checking Google keyword ranking.
Check Google Keyword Ranking for Keywords
Step 1: Enter your keyword into the search box. Next click on “Search” button.

Now you’d see the keyword analytics report. Make sure Google is selected. If you want to check keyword ranking on another search engine, select it from the list.

Here’s the report for “get Tumblr followers” keyword phrase. You can learn a lot about the keyword from this page.

Here are a few changes you can make…
- Check Google keyword ranking on previous days: Click on the drop down arrow under “live data” and select your desired date to check Google keyword rankings.
- Check Google keyword ranking on Mobile search: Click on the drop down arrow under “Device” and select Mobile option.
Step 2: Scroll down to bottom. Under organic keyword ranking results, you can check Google rankings for the keyword.

You can only check rankings of first 100 results. But, as a blogger and webmaster, you just want to know first 30 results because as results come to down, search volume or impressions decrease exponentially.
Find Website’s Keyword Ranking
This is one of my favorite options to check site rankings and scrape keywords.
Step 1: Enter your website URL into the search box, if you want to find SEO keywords of your website. Else enter other website’s address to find its organic keywords.

Ensure you’ve selected “Domain Overview” and the appropriate country specific Google domain.
Pro Tip: Use “Historical Data” feature on your SEMrush GURU plan to find lost keywords.
See website’s important details such as total ranking keywords, daily traffic volume from the search engine, backlinks and traffic growth over time.

Step 2: Scroll down bottom until you find organic keywords.

- Top Organic Keywords: Find all keywords which are ordered descending according to the traffic distribution.
- Organic Position Distribution: Find keywords grouped by their ranking positions.
Click on “View Full Report” under the Top Organic Keywords to find more information about keyword SEO rankings.

As you see;
- ranks for more keywords on than other search engine sites.
- 31.34% of total keywords rank under Local Pack SERP feature.

“Scone recipe” is website’s highest search volume keyword while it ranks at 32nd position on

Between Dec 2016 and Jan 2017,’s ranking for Scone recipe” improved from 61 to 39.
Why? How?

Intrusive Interstitials Mobile Penalty!
Look like doesn’t use interstitial ads for mobile devices.
Although “Scone recipe” is’s highest search volume keyword, “Cookery Courses” is the top SEO keyword which drives 25.15% of total traffic.

For a long time, rank #1 spot for “Cookery Courses London” keyword phrase.

Not a surprise, right?
Also, Keyword Difficulties (KD) are also not too high. Which means, if is one of your current competitors, you can optimize your website for these low competitive keywords as well.
I suggest you check out Historical Data feature on SEMRUSH to find missed keyword rankings of your competitors.
Pro Tip: Enter web page URLs to SEMrush search box and find top organic keywords for particular pages. Sprinkle those keywords on your articles to get more organic traffic.
Search engine ranking is a very crucial aspect of SEO. Your website’s success might depend upon search engine ranking.
As Google owns more than 95% worldwide search share market, you should take your close attention to Google ranking of keywords.
By using an accurate Google rank checker, you can get an edge over the competition to find Google rankings of keywords and monitor daily ranking fluctuations.
I personally use SEMrush for checking and tracking keyword rankings on search engines.
So, how do you check site ranking on SERPs and what is your best Google rank checker?
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